====== Ludovic of Langley ====== In the closing months of the Godstow meetings, Ludovic was declared to be the prince of Bavaria by St Gavin for his assistance in helping restore order following the abortive peasant uprising orchestrated by Marcus Karlson. He then went on to be one of the best-loved of the Bavarian Princes and a major influence on the Holy Roman Empire. Ludovic kept up his long friendship with Saint Gavin, the two of them regularly meeting to discuss state and personal matters over grand meals and smaller suppers. Gavin's wasn't the only friendship that was maintained: he frequently met with Edithe LeBelle, the two of them becoming extremely close. Fewer details are available on these, though those in the know were frequently seen blushing in connection to their meetings. Additionally, Ishri Saint-Clair was a major feature in Ludovic's rule. Ludovic's focus on improving the province of Bavaria intersected well with Ishri's focus on developing the human race. However, the protocols put in place by Ludovic prevented many inhabitants from alterations that would prove overly undesirable, though other rumours still persist.... His devotion to England never waned either: if he wasn't gently guiding Bavaria towards the progressive and free society it is now, he was back in England, upholding law and order. Unfortunately, despite his later attempts, Ludovic was never able to achieve the ascension that he'd envisaged, though was frequently seen in the collegium, seeking assistance and volunteering ideas. Never one to avoid getting his hands dirty and taking active steps to defend Bavaria, Ludovic met his end. A notorious band of fae that had been terrorising English towns and villages and poisoning their crops had dared to set their sights on mainland Europe. In what would turn out to be their final meeting, Gavin asked Ludovic to deal with the threat. Ludovic had been tracking their progress, and was about to travel to face them, and met them at the Bavarian border. The few eye-witnesses available speak of an ambush prepared by Ludovic, eliminating three before the main fight even started. Ludovic was far from outclassed, but massively out-numbered. and even his ability with a sword could not protect him from the sheer number of opponents that he faced. Heavily injured, and bleeding out, he managed to dispatch the last of his opponents. His last words were: "Here, but no further" {{tag> eternity}}