====== News, Turn 11 ====== ===== Eckehart, Holy Roman Emperor Killed in Channel ===== The invasion lead by the Holy Roman Emperor, otherwise known as the Demiurge, Etzen, has been blunted in the English Channel by a navy blockade containing some of the staunchest defenders of the country. It is reported that the Round Table itself was brought to the cliffs of Dover to lend strength to the defence, and the killing blow struck with the weapon of legend, Excalibur. Remnants of the invasion force are periodically washing up on the shores of the country, but seemingly not in enough numbers to cause any lasting damage. ===== Papal Conflagration ===== During the Good Friday service, Pope Mary IV was consumed in a tower of flames. Her last words were reportedly "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?", though it is unclear whether this was part of the service, or a personal sentiment. Whilst under //sede vacante// there will be no statement as to the cause, but many speculate it was either an act of God, the use of terrible pagan witchcraft or an attack with cursed fae magics. Much speculation centres around Thomas of Tynemouth, who reportedly spent the day in private prayer and contemplation in a nearby chapel, ordering all attendants to leave him. However, following his apparent framing for the kidnap of the pope six months ago, others argue that this may be another attempt to sow discord amongst the faithful. Conclave has been called and is expected to convene in the next few weeks to select a new pontiff. =====Cardinal Goda of the Inquistion?===== Cardinal Goda Tirel has been discovered as a member of the Inquisition. Given her status, judgement can only be passed by the Pope, so her fate awaits the result of the Conclave that will select a successor to Her Holiness, Pope Mary IV. ===== The Holy Roman Empire Collapses ===== Following the death and utter disgracing of the previous Holy Roman Emperor, Eckehart of Carinthia, the Empire has broken down with no one to lead them. State fights against state, with those more central form and break alliances as fast as breathe, and the Italian provinces have seceded entirely. More over two invasion forces have appeared from the South and the East: Abd Al-Malik leads the forces of the Ayyubid Dynasty in the South and Genghis Khan is reported to have truly inhuman aid and is sweeping through the most Eastern states. ===== New Queen of the Seelie Chosen... Again ===== Samuel Attaway has been declared the new Queen of the Seelie. How long this will last is anyone’s guess, although the track record over the last couple of years hasn’t been great. At least the old one is still alive this time. Branwen Titania willingly stepped down to allow Samuel to take her place. Does this signal the beginning of unprecedented cooperation between humans and the Fae? =====Peace between Pagans and Christians===== It appears that most saints and gods, and their worshippers, have now accepted that pending the drawing up of an acceptable Pact, there will be peace between Pagans and Christians. Steps left to take include: * the official legalising of the pagan faiths * discussions regarding the Pact of Anna * speaking with those not currently on board - chief among them are Nantosuelta, Robor and Boniface ===== Pagan Wolf Cult Emerges ===== Rumours have spread of a new Pagan cult that revolves around the worship of Wilfrida the Wolf, Goddess of Battle and the Hunt. This would apparently be the same individual known previously as Wilfrida Hunter, Queen of Scotland. The cult has its strongest links in Scotland, although it is also present in Ireland. Many claim that she is taking the place of the deceased Agrona on the Pagan pantheon. Has she really become a god? Will she be as bloodthirsty as the Goddess of Carnage? What does this mean for the leadership of Scotland? =====Hector Mallory crowned king of Sicily===== The recently bereaved King Hector promises to do the best for his people, who currently adore him following a spectacular but moving funeral for the late Queen. Of note among the guests was her drunk and happy former lover Allie the Upshot, last survivor of the Nottingham band, looking strangely cheerful for someone who has lost her friends and her girlfriend. ===== St. George seen in England. Fights Dragon ===== Reports have come in from all over the country reporting to see the St. George of legend walking abroad. These are accompanied by tales of dragons terrorising villages, stealing livestock, and generally being a menace until the Saint appears to fight off the dragon. As of yet neither seems to have let up. =====Robert of Locksley burnt to death===== The investigation in Nottingham has reached its conclusion. The (in)famous Robert of Locksley, known also as Robin Hood, has been burnt to death by magical means, while his companions were slaughtered. The unfortunate events took place in the Sherwood Forest, with no witnesses. \\ Braith verch Tangwystl and Thomas of Tynemouth have been seen in the vicinity at the time. ===== Fae Conquer Ireland ===== Despite an attempted counter-attack by a combined Irish-Scottish force, the fae have solidified their foothold in Cork, and have now expanded their influence to much of southern Ireland. Their areas of control are characterised by strange fortresses that seem to combine aspects of cathedral, castle and palace whilst seemingly using fae magic to define the natural order in being able to stand. ===== Rumours ===== * Samuel Attaway is Genghis Khan's brother * The Still's stopped * Have you tried this delicious tea, so popular in Scotland? * Did you hear, the Erlking rises? * Nobility has serious dental problems * Has anyone seen Aelindis? * Walking Castles! Run! * Excalibur can kill gods, demiurges - anything. * Lady Patience is getting married. No - no idea. Could be anyone. * Goda Tirel is the least discreet Inquisitor. * Goda Tirel is a Taranis worshipper.