... the playground is a privilege, not a right. And you know what they say about abusing privileges... Lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away, there was a magical woods. The kingdom was ruled over by a Queen, who used her power of...\\ \\ ...Crochet to create teddy bears for everyone. This made her subjects very...\\ \\ ...dead, for a plague of being-allergic-to-wool...\\ \\ ... The queen then crocheted some new subjects, but unfortunately...\\ \\ ... they were lifeless puppets with dull, mirthless eyes... \\ \\ ... But then everyones eyes are dull and mirthless after reading their turnsheet.\\ ====== Ways not to submit your turnsheet ====== * IC * Writing it on the whiteboard in the room the GMs are having the meeting * Handwritten on paper and given to the GMs in person * Late * After the GM meeting * 2am on Tuesday Moring * After turnsheets have come out * During the session after it was due * During the next society game * Running a tabletop/LARP/future society game based on your planned actions * Proposing it as a motion at the TGM * As a speech at the Banquet //I am prepared to accept turnsheets given in Banquet speeches as long as the result can be delivered in the same format.// //I may hold you to this if I have to do 15 again... ~ TL// * Via the medium of dance * Written in the blood of the unbelievers * tapped out in morse code while in the absurdly spacious sewers under the GM's homes * As a wanted poster detailing the crimes you expect to be wanted for committing. * Via folk ballad filk * Through training a small red bird to chirp in morse code * Through Prince John barbershop quartet * Through encoding ASCII values into excessively nested playgrounds * Via a series of IC proposals * Via a series of IC proposal rejections * By wasting 15 minutes of another PC's time making an oath to a pigeon * In answer to a God berating you in session when they ask "any questions?" * Through the medium of ill-advised fae deals * Through the medium of lying roundly through your teeth about ill-advised fae deals you totally didn't make * Written in icing on a cake Actually the GMs would probably be very in favor of that * By editing the music link below * By encoding bits in whether or not you slay gods that show up to Godstow in order to spell out ASCII values. * In you character's native tongue, unless that's English. * I don't think they'd be very happy with turnsheets in Old/Middle English either. * What about future English? * Through a tasteless "Easter egg hunt" involving riddles about the location of the next action and piece of the GM's beloved pet. * Written in bloody scars on your back. ===== Let there be music ===== Go [[playground:music|here]]... [NB the next person to change the link will have playground privileges revoked - this means you Cameron.((I resent the assumption that I'm the only one who's changed this))((Honestly, Cameron. Really now. Behave!))] ===== Pictures ===== Some characters look just like their physreps, others are maybe a tad taller and less female. Meant to do this aaaages ago, but am rubbish. Here are pics of what the Knights actually look like: {{https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/0b7V0deRCHOMcxUcmwR4jtK_Q4JX0Sipnoc00xuiDcj2e4epiVWIsJ0mOqAIIB32j-a1G3zigzvA4l1TCUQbvtvIx0bqjkU77OVOPwQBPQvk0FUgZnlUWS65x1AE8BO-JUEZBfo14w2RWA0cU666URnOjs_BRsTVteokKNv2HNZFBPp5RhKRdukDqK3HaYgTf0XonTY=s0-d-e1-ft#http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/portrait-serious-knight-chain-mail-metal-gloves-sword-looking-away-half-length-shot-56935355.jpg|Gerard, though missing his fabulous moustache and for once uninjured}} {{https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/4OtPnWpprrddPIHPZLteGbDgPuUspq6WQEVhG3QjpwPpwAFwandSh69r-CRqZ3Ky-zEz6KlO4YbfCFKO4OUv-PjEP5XL1IDNpB2HlXhDQmcv-dunOD1AiI7MNCoG9Ng6E4StmBBrfFp7c2B7TQ=s0-d-e1-ft#https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/09/a7/9c/09a79c1b371f9b483ed551ccd252eb57.jpg|Pre-fae Rhydian}} {{http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthrones/images/2/2f/Rakharo_1x02.png/revision/latest?cb=20110626051421|Lahav, though needs more maniacal grin}} {{https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/_HaK80pb2-OESC4P4nNSQPZNJ2m5yHGd4-y6yWX0xMlPHZ9cJPApAzh-iZEFKaXqLZ6MHTvmC7A9-lft3RAsweeCNYuo699TKzvHnaHRp3ovLoNMeGIvdVjcQ8uSks7s9trhx9pavL7SzzQ22XRQs9vMW2jFde8=s0-d-e1-ft#http://36.media.tumblr.com/e3cd9cddea3f490db2f31c08f27b0465/tumblr_nbpua9NrVr1s6ntuso1_r1_250.jpg|And of course, Samuel}}