Demetrius Khages 'Rhinotmetus' of Abdera

transcribed from a partial record of a translation of kelpie lore:

…allegedly bound at birth, the Khages was awkward and grew slowly as they all do, but with care and feeding he flourished…coming of age was marked with the traditional rites and carried out with respect. Due to his outlandish name, [untranslatable] referred to her partner in her own language as “The Sneeze,” but regarded him with a very full and fair affection, which was more than reciprocated. Sadly, she never managed to break him to bridle…he and she both vanished in the world above, denied the ocean’s eternal embrace…lesson always to keep a firm rein on those above, and not let them have their heads…

from TripAdvisor:

The Shrine of the Rider Saints is ace!!!!! And I’d never have found it without this site. Thank you. ★★★★★

The view from the top is well worth the climb, but I can’t help thinking—does anyone else have the urge to listen to Johnny Cash and watch John Wayne movies after seeing it? ★★★★☆

Those hills are fucking steep. ★★☆☆☆

Interesting depiction of the rider saints in this rare instance of the Rhesus/Teilo pairing. Organic. Intend to return with aim of determining whether it was carved by the founder’s hand, or was grown with the aid of magics. If the first, it throws new light on….[rest of comment unretrievable]

Jesus, call those mountains? And couldn’t they at least have a café up there? I thought France was supposed to be a civilised country. ★☆☆☆☆