Table of Contents

… the playground is a privilege, not a right. And you know what they say about abusing privileges…

Lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.

Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away, there was a magical woods. The kingdom was ruled over by a Queen, who used her power of…

…Crochet to create teddy bears for everyone. This made her subjects very…

…dead, for a plague of being-allergic-to-wool…

… The queen then crocheted some new subjects, but unfortunately…

… they were lifeless puppets with dull, mirthless eyes…

… But then everyones eyes are dull and mirthless after reading their turnsheet.

Ways not to submit your turnsheet

Let there be music

Go here… [NB the next person to change the link will have playground privileges revoked - this means you Cameron.1)2)]


Some characters look just like their physreps, others are maybe a tad taller and less female. Meant to do this aaaages ago, but am rubbish. Here are pics of what the Knights actually look like:

Gerard, though missing his fabulous moustache and for once uninjured

Pre-fae Rhydian

Lahav, though needs more maniacal grin

And of course, Samuel

1) I resent the assumption that I'm the only one who's changed this
2) Honestly, Cameron. Really now. Behave!