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The Faerie

Arrival and the Pact of Charlemagne

"Eruzione dell'Etna del 1766, incisione colorata di Alessandro D'Anna" by Alessandro D'Anna (1746-1810) - Collezione privada, Roma, tratta dal volume De Aetna, Sellerio Editore, Palermo, 1981.. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons -,_incisione_colorata_di_Alessandro_D%27Anna.jpg#/media/File:Eruzione_dell%27Etna_del_1766,_incisione_colorata_di_Alessandro_D%27Anna.jpg

It was the Summer Solstice, in the year of our lord eight hundred and eleven, when the mountain blew. We wondered what we had done to anger God such that he would visit his wrath on us, but it soon became apparent that this eruption was different from any before or since. Shifting forms poured down the mountain side like living fire, slowly taking on the shape of men, horses, distorted and nightmarish. Behind them came demons, nightmares given form. We watched as the fair folk battled the beasts and won. Then the fair folk turned to us and smiled, their teeth pointed and suddenly I knew: they were the real demons. We ran to the harbour and sailed straight out to sea; we never saw those left behind again, though there are those who swear they have seen the visage of their loved ones on the face of one of the faerie after Charlemagne tamed them.

The Fae came into the world roughly 375 years ago. Following a brief campaign of terror, they were eventually brought to heel by Charlemagne at the Battle of Montgenèvre, high in the Alps. He forced upon them the Pact of Charlemagne; although the exact wording is lost, it is generally assumed to have dictated the following terms:

Since the signing of the Pact, the thousand or so Fae have integrated into the European courts as nobility, vassals inherited from lord to heir back through the centuries. Many have become trusted advisers to their lords, also acting as deadly knights or feared battle magicians in times of conflict. Many are openly distrustful of the Fae, despite the papal decrees granting them divine sanction.

Papal Bull, Nympharum Anima

"Papal.bull" by Pope Urban VIII - . This image was copied from wikipedia:en. The original uploader was en:User:Stbalbach. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons - Papa Lucia, episcopus servus servorum Dei, Nympharum anima gloriae Caelum facere participem.
It has been revealed as Truth that the Fae have souls and may be raised unto Heaven.
As such they shall serve in the Church, though they are not to rise to the highest ranks until God permits.
However, they are not created in the same image of God as ourselves, and so may not enter into matrimony with any but their own kind.
Ego N. Catholicae Ecclesiae Episcopus

Upon receiving news of Charlemagne's victory, Pope Lucia issued the above bull. It was not long after that she was deposed following allegations of corruption, and many still dispute the validity of the bull, despite confirmation from her successor that it was valid. Foremost among the dissenters are the Inquisition, who maintain that Fae are agents of corruption and Pope Lucia was a false pope. The upshot is:

The Unseelie

The Fae refer to themselves as collectively as The Seelie Court, though there are many Fae courts and many outsiders and the exact meaning of this term is unclear. Those who ask (and bribe) Fae friends into revealing more are told whispered tales of something called The Unseelie Court, apparently a collection of the most mischievious or destructive Fae working to bring down the Seelie, humanity, and the gods of any religion.

There are many destructive and evil Fae in the Wilds, but nothing has yet been found either large enough or malevolent enough to warrant the terror in the voices of even the strongest Fae when she speaks of the Unseelie Court.

Common Perceptions of the Fae

"SophieAndersonTakethefairfaceofWoman" by Sophie Gengembre Anderson - Art Renewal Center – description. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons - Myths abound concerning the faerie, and vary from region to region, and potentially relate only to specific Fae. However, common aspects almost universally agreed on are:

As most notable Fae have manoeuvred themselves deep within the ranks of the nobility, contact between them and your average inhabitant of Britain is rare, and they are largely treated as other nobility - stay clear and hope for the best. If you have grown up on a large estate you may have known one who was resident as an advisor to the Lord, but you are unlikely to be intimately familiar with them. You may well have seen Brownies, Nixies and other minor Fae, or have caught glimpses of Fae creatures such as Kelpies or Will-o'-the-wisps.

Fae Magic

Knowledge of Fae Magics is hoarded by those who learn such, however there are a number of iconic spells that are described in common tales.